0. Adultiancoraascula.eu ospita in questa pagina i materiali di lavoro del gruppo LITTLE ENGLISH. Da dove è venuto fuori? Dalla Vicenda Fantastica! Adulti Ancora A Scuola in questo biennio di covid-distanziamento ha consolidato i percorsi di Educazione Digitale, così da informatica base, si è passati a +SU, alla presentazione multimediale, al blog condiviso, e quest’anno, nel nuovo Calendario del percorso creativo Ballando sulla Tastiera abbiamo aperto una finestra che si affaccia su Our English With Emma. In modo simpatico adesso chiamiamo questa appendice di introduzione alla lingua inglese: LITTLE ENGLISH
1. Read & Listen “When I woke up this morning and opened the windows, the sun was rising right in front of my eyes. It was still dark but the light that came from the sky brightened the beginning of my day. Today has been a very pleasant autumn weather. The colors are beautiful in this season. The flowers grow high and strong. Yellow flowers give an amazing look where ever you can find them…. “When I woke up this morning and opened the windows, the sun was rising right in front of my eyes. It was still dark but the light that came from the sky brightened the beginning of my day. Today has been a very pleasant autumn weather. The colors are beautiful in this season. The flowers grow high and strong. Yellow flowers give an amazing look where ever you can find them…. ”
2. Alphabet
3. Read & listen. “Early in the morning is the best time of the day to do some physical exercise. After a relaxing night sleep and a healthy breakfast it would be a good habit to put on a comfortable pair of sneakers and go out to have a quick walk. I went this morning. I met some other people too. It was cold, but I dressed with warm winter garments and I felt well. The frost was every where. It sparkled in the bright sun light. The mountains were covered with snow. When I returned home I had a shower and I felt happy all the day.
Most English nouns do not have gender. When talking about an object, the word it is used in English. He and she are only used when referring to people and sometimes animals. They is used to refer to more than one person or thing.
5. School break
6. Third Read & Listen. MY HOUSE.
“My house is comfortable. It has: a kitchen, a dining-room, a living-room, three bedrooms and a bath-room.
My daughter and I like the kitchen because we enjoy cooking. The kids set the table in the dining-room while my husband sits in his armchair in the living-room watching the sport programs on the TV.
When we wake up in the morning, the first thing, that everyone has to do, is to use the bath-room. My grand-daughter takes a long time to comb her long hair. My mother has a shower very early in the morning, and usually I go after her. The boys wash their face, brush their teeth and quickly run out to catch the bus to go to school.
After a hard and busy day it’s time to go to bed. We are glad to enter in our bed-rooms. We hurry to switch off the light and have a good sleep.”
(inside this story there are three different mood: form indicative, gerundive (-ing form) and infinitive)
7. Listen and write. THE KITCHEN – You are invited to listen, then your home-work of the week is to re-write what Emma is rerading. All it is goood, even few words, that you put in stream of our Google-Classroom.
GOOD NIGHT >>>>> https://puzzel.org/it/crossword/play?p=-Mx6SL7MARbTjKpMX9a-
good (just to say) morning https://puzzel.org/it/wordseeker/play?p=-Mx6eIPT0Mcxy_4hiPve
NEW crossword https://puzzel.org/it/crossword/play?p=-Mx6SL7MARbTjKpMX9a-
8. Il quarto incontro in conferenza è ascoltabile e vedibile dal canale YouTube questo è il link https://youtu.be/bzKAhgkGe-k
9. The LIVING ROOM – The challenge is to take pen and paper and riwrite the text heard, as if it were a dictation. La sfida è prendere carta e penna e riscrivere il testo ascoltato. come fosse un dettato. Gli Adultiancoraascuola del corso sono invitati a inviarlo per streaming di Google Classroom a Emma. Si invitano i corsisti a contattarsi e consultarsi.
12. Come usare i giorni della settimana. Using the days of the week.
♠“what day is it? = che giorno è?” ♠“what day is it today? = che giorno è oggi?”
♣today (oggi) ♣tomorrow (domani) ♣the day after tomorrow (dopodomani) ♣yesterday (ieri)
- Monday = lunedì
- Tuesday = martedí
- Wednesday = mercoledí
- Thursday = giovedì
- Friday = venerdì
- Saturday = sabato
- Sunday = domenica
◊ Vado allo stadio di domenica >>> I go to the stadium on Sunday si usa ON (complemento di tempo determinato coi giorni della settimana)
♦ Quando vuoi dire “Ogni sabato, ogni domenica”, metti every prima del giorno della settimana, ma puoi anche usare solo il giorno della settimana con l’aggiunta della -s finale. Es: ♦ every Wednesday oppure on Wednesdays = ogni mercoledì o di mercoledì ♦ On Sundays = una azione che viene ripetuta tutte le settimane di domenica. READING and LISTENING Down here, listen to Emma, please, in The days of the week.
13. READING and LISTENING leggi qui o apri il blog maidiremaiadulti.blogspot.com “on FEBRUARY 16TH. 2022” (dove trovi la traduzione in italiano)
My relatives in Melbourne, live in houses surrounded by amazing wide open spaces, not far from a suburb named South Morang. They can see much of the green country sights. The kangaroos skip very near inhabited centers, and sometimes even beautiful colorful birds fly undisturbed there, too.
My cousin sees these species very often while he goes for a walk, and has a chance to shoot photos very near. He says that kangaroos are usually not scared of people.
The fauna and flora in Australia is very colorful….
(P.S. When I lived in Melbourne I was very near to the city in Brunswick so I’ve never had a chance to see these animals live in freedom.)
e segui la lettura di Emma ascoltandola cliccando qua sotto:
14. READING and LISTENING – “The years go by …” apri il blog maidiremaiadulti.blogspot.com “on 29th of January 2022” e puoi avere anche la traduzione, qui segui la lettura di Emma
The years go by and now I’m a grandmother. It’s fun. I often take my grand daughter out, inviting some of her friends to come with us. The two elder grandkids are independent so I don’t have much of their company, if not to take them to sporting activities.
This afternoon I brought my grandchild with two of her friends to the ice rink. They are so good skating on ice. Many boys and girls joined in today so they enjoyed themselves very much. In the mean time I sat on a bench waiting for them while I read my book.
It has been a happy Saturday!!!! ascoltandola cliccando qua sotto:
15. READING and LISTENING apri il blog maidiremaiadulti.blogspot.com “on 23th of FEBRUARY 2022″ e segui la lettura di Emma ascoltandola in “During the tow years of pandemia..”
During the two years of pandemia I followed computer course online promoted by UNI3 Barga, supported by the excellent Teacher Renato Luti. The adults discoved a new way of having lessons , but all of us were glad to participate.
Finally in the month of February we went back in presence. The computer classroom of the ISI School of Barga is very efficient, it has up dated computers and comfortable desks. I hope that the emergency covid has finished so that everybody can go back to a normal life.
si ascolta cliccando qua sotto:
16. READING and LISTENING – “Conversation at bus-stop”
A conversation between two friends who are waiting at the bus stop.
“Where are you going?”
-I’m going to Lucca and you? –
“Me too.”
“What did you eat for breakfast, do you like cereals?
-I don’t eat cereals, I like coffee and toasted bread -.
“Where do you have lunch, at home or out doors?”
-I usually have lunch out doors -.
“What sort of things do you eat?”
-I eat pizza and fruit, but I don’t like vegetables. –
“Do you drink beer or wine?”
-I prefer wine. –
“With who do you have dinner?”
-I usually have dinner with my wife but not with my children…-
-Here, comes the bus… get ready! –
After this short conversation the bus arrived and they stepped in.
17. Don’t worry be happy. Questo è uno slogan caro a Emma.
18. LISTEN & READING. We are gong to learn and tell for something about ourselves.
I will present myself. Mi presento.
- What’s your name? Come ti chiami? (Quale è il tuo nome?)
My name is Emma. Mi chiamo Emma.
- How old are you? Quanti anni hai?
I am sixty-eight years old Ho 68 anni. (io sono 68 anni vecchia)
- Where do you live? Dove abiti? (Dover vivi?)
I live in Gallicano Abito in Gallicano. (Io vivo in Gallicano)
- What school did you go to? In quale scuola sei andata? (Quale scuola hai frequentato?)
I went to Saint John’s school in Melbourne. Andavo alla scuola di St.John’s in Melourne.
- What’s your favorite color? Quale è il tuo colore preferito?
My favorite color is pink. Il mio colore preferito è rosa.
- Where do you like going on holidays? Dove ti piace andare in vacanza?
On holidays I like going to the beach. In vacanza mi piace andare al mare.
(I don’t go on holiday. Non vado in vacanza.)
- Have you got brothers or sisters? Hai fratelli oppure sorelle?
Yes, I have two sisters, Maria and Loretta. Si, ho due sorelle, Maria e Loretta.
- What do you do in the morning? Cosa fai la mattina?
In the morning I go for a good walk. Al mattino vado a fare una buona camminata.
- Do you like cooking? Ti piace cucinare?
Yes, I like cooking. Si, mi piace cucinare.
What did you cook for lunch? …………………………………….
- Have you got grandchildren? Hai nipoti?
Yes, I have three grandchildren, Lorenzo, Filippo and Chiara. Sì, ho tre nipoti, Lorenzo Filippo e Chiara.
19. LISTEN AND READING – Aubergines? Eggplants?
clicca la freccia play, per ascoltare. Il testo lo trovi sul post di Emma del blog condiviso …
Raggiungi il 31.08.2022 su maidiremaiadulti e leggi con Emma: clicca questo link https://maidiremaiadulti.blogspot.com/2022/08/31.html
GENNAIO 2025 – Let’s speak English with Emma
The Christmas holidays have just passed, but I’m thinking back to my trip!
This year, my family and I decided to fly in the city of Los Angles. Other than being the biggest part in California it’s also the bigger and more populated of USA.The Christmas holidays have just passed, but I’m thinking back to my trip!
During our stay we tried to see more attractions as we could of this magnificent land.
The Universal Studios Hollywood, gave us a great day adventuring through the most known sceneplays of the greatest films ever made. We lived with Harry Potter in the magic atmosphere of Hogwarts, where everything around us seemed to be so real. We couldn’t miss Beverly Hills, where we walked through the stars with engraved on them the popular names of artists in the world.
We also crossed the door of the famous hotel “Beverly Wilshire” where the popular film “PRETTY WOMAN” was produced. Our lungs were regenerated with fresh air from Palos Verdes Green Hill, Santa Monica Beach, Rodendo Beach.
The colors between the ocean and the sky, during the sun set flashed us. The roads at night were lighted up by Christmas lights everywhere. It was an exciting evening when we went to see the basketball match: Los Angeles vs San Francisco at the new Intuit Dome. We had never seen so much technology altogether!!!
All holidays get to the end, and like every other tourist we shot photos and bought souvenir to take home, with us many happy memories of this special tour.
22. amusement – PUZZLE for you